I feel really clean now (fyi I flossed my teeth :D), but kinda humid (i'm sweating after a bath, what a waste of time).
Hmm, anws, today was a pretty sleepy day. Wait, before I forget, let me list down a couple of stuff I need to do over the weekends:
1) Math revisions
2) Geog revisions
3) Science worksheet (Acids and Alkalis)
4) LA MOV questions
5) Study for chinese tingxie
Yup. Ok. Great, 'cause nowadays I'm like too lazy to even take out my notebook and write down what to do. So anw.
Today's dance was Zhongls's lesson. Wah, his jibengong routine is like, super torturing. My ankles were numb and my legs felt like jelly. Everyone was practically trying not to fall down. Zhongls then said, uh, ok, let's practice 雪中梅! Then I was like, no, now it's 水中梅, 'cause we were like jellies, watery watery. Haha. Quite lame, I know. Then I was talking to Qiurui I think, (Wow I forgot who I talked to!) and I said, "Even now walking is a challenge." Whoo. Happy muscle ache day is tomorrow!
But, even after all that jelly, we manged to get through the dance practice, and I even played volley w/friends after that. I'm so amazing, I amaze myself :D Joking, I'm not so zilian.
The class guys are like always jumping from one thing to another. First it was DOTA. Then it was Duel Masters. Third Facebook. And now, Mouse Hunt from Facebook. Speaking of which, I don't have a facebook. Maybe I should go create one, yeah? I' m quite curious about the "Which Guailan Master Are You?" quiz, everyone says its funny. Moving on.
Actually I kinda think that typing like this makes me seem more LA-pro. (It does, right? Whoo for Hannah and Gina)
Ohya, Shakesphere play on Sunday! (Did I mention this before?) Uh, still kinda wondering what to wear, 'cause all I have at the most are smart casual clothes whoops. I can only wear like a casual shirt/tank top, plus vest/hoodie vest and skirt/jeans with converse/flats. Amazing right. I think my closet needs a makeover with the colour schemes. Always black and white, not complex enough like Shylock. (Allusion haha)
Ok lah, I think I'm crapping now. So I shall stop typing useless stuff you don't need to know.
When I look at you, you happen to look at me too, and we lock eyes for a while and then we look away.RACHEL[: